The grape variety of the day: len de l'ehl or loin de l'oeil
Len de l’ehl or loin de l'oeil is a white grape variety native to the South-West wine region and more precisely to Gaillac. Its name comes from the fact that its bunch of grapes grows far from the bud (eye), at the end of a long stem.
The clusters out of sight are quite large and composed of very juicy berries. It produces dry or sweet white wines but always of great finesse, with low acidity. These wines are renowned for their beautiful palette of aromas and scents such as apple, pear, exotic fruits or dried fruits.
Len de l’ehl is used exclusively in the blending of AOC Gaillac wines, which increases each year to around 700 hectares.
Le Figaro Wine
IFV South West
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